Annual Lions Gate Portal Opening

Longing for something you think is unattainable? Now is the time to manifest your dreams!

The Lion’s Gate Portal is a cosmic event that occurs every year between July 26 and August 12, with its peak on August 8 (8/8). The Lion’s Gate Portal’s powers are most potent on this peak date of August 8 and is known by some as the Galactic New Year.

The significance of 8/8 shouldn’t be overlooked. The number 8 symbolizes abundance, power, and infinite possibilities in numerology. When turned sideways, 8 transforms into the symbol for infinity. The Lion’s Gate is considered a time for accelerated spiritual growth, increased intuition, and the opening of psychic abilities.

So be sure to take advantage of this magnificent portal opening period and meditate daily. Focus on your goals and dreams during this powerful manifesting energy :)!

Let These Retrogrades Guide You 🙏🏻

Hope you are enjoying the sweet, albeit fast moving, energy of summer, my favorite season :)! Upon checking the upcoming astrological events, we will be entering an emotionally tumultuous - but cleansing - time in our personal relationships. Venus, the ruling planet of love, grace, charm and beauty is going retrograde on July 22, 2023 and will last until September 23, 2023. Retrograde motion is an apparent change in the movement of a planet through the sky - the planet appears to be moving backward in its orbit versus its relative position to planet earth. When a planet goes into retrograde, the energies that planet is affiliated with, reverse in daily life.

The planet Venus also houses the energies of harmony and unity, as well as a love of sensitivity and solidarity. Once Venus enters into retrograde, these factors in life, begin to regress. It becomes difficult to express love and passion, or to feel its experience. People will start thinking about the romantic fulfillment or lack of it in their lives. These types of thoughts will become much more prominent in your day to day. The Zodiac signs Libra and Taurus, which are ruled by Venus, will be far more impacted than the other zodiacs. It’s recommended these houses don't act impulsively as this will damage relationships. But know that ALL the zodiac signs will be affected to some degree.

If that wasn’t enough, Mercury Retrograde - known for wreaking havoc on everyone’s life, will start on August 23, 2023 and end on September 15, 2023. There will be a 24 day overlap of both these retrograde planets - bringing us opportunities for much insight and enlightenment. It’s a time for awareness of that which no longer serves us. As well as also a time to search within for what will be more beneficial to us going forward!

Stay tuned, as next week I will be offering info on another period of time in the midst of these dates that will be most powerful for manifesting your desires.

Kindness is Key!

All humans thrive on love - with no exception.  What we need most right now is less judgement and a broader perspective to help open our hearts to more love.  We can begin with kindness to one another.  A simple act of kindness accompanied by a smile goes a long way!!  What you send out to the Universe is what comes back to you :)!  

Christmas Eve is Sacred

Once again I am startled by how quickly time is passing! Tomorrow is Christmas Eve already. It will be ungodly cold but still energetically powerful. If you can still your mind for a few minutes, you will feel the sacredness of that energy. It is the one day in the year that people are truly kind to each other. Breathe it into your soul and let it become a part of you; for Christmas Eve is wondrous and magical! Much Love & Light to you and yours ! Stay safe and warm and have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Spirit's Love on Thanksgiving

Wishing all of you a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!

This is a time to appreciate all that we have and also to lovingly remember those who are no longer with us. Please know that Spirit communicates by telepathy and can “hear” our thoughts. So when you give thought and voice to those in the Afterlife, you can be assured it is being received. Even though you may not be able to perceive their response, take comfort in knowing you are heard and much loved ❤️‼️

Source Energy Knows No Time

Time flows in the same way for all humanity - an hour is an hour. But every human being flows through time in a different way. We all perceive and process in our own individual manner. Remember this when you are trying to force another to share your point of view or to see a situation from your perspective. But also know that Source Energy is Universal! We will all arrive at the same destination - no matter what route we take or how long it takes us to get there.

Lions Gate Portal is Open!

Every year between July 26th and August 12th, an astrological event occurs called the Lions Gate Portal. It always happens in the sign of Leo and it accelerates our ability to manifest and create what we want. Lions are associated with strength and right now, we’re in Leo season! The most powerful day of this cycle is August 8th. And 8/8 is also important in numerology, since 8 is the symbol for infinity turned sideways and is associated with abundance and good fortune.

Every year the portal gives us a chance to evolve into being a more empowered version of ourselves that’s closer to living the life we truly want to live. Take advantage of each day during this cycle to create what you want. And make 8/8 sacred and absorb the powerful energy emitted when the Lions Gate Portal opening peaks!

It’s Mercury Retrograde Again!

It’s that time again! Mercury is retrograde from May 10th to June 3rd - a time when we all know things can slow down and miscommunications prevail. Be patient as tempers tend to flare more easily now, and computer and phone tech glitches are par for the course. You may find some of your home appliances are in need of repair or replacement. Pause any big financial contracts if possible, if not - such as with a scheduled mortgage closing - no worries, just double check all the numbers as typos are likely to occur during Mercury Retrograde.

But it’s not all a nuisance. Now is the perfect time to go back and finish up old projects. Clean out your closets and drawers and get rid of that which no longer serves you. This also applies to one-sided relationships. It is a likely time for old friends and past romantic interests to resurface, which may bring much excitement and/or chaos! Of course, if you find yourself confused and overwhelmed, I’m here to help you sort thru the drama!

Soul Callings

Many ask what their life purpose is.  Many believe their purpose is their job, and choose to identify themselves by their career and monetary earnings.  But we cannot identify ourselves through our earnings, or our children, or any other external part of us. One’s life purpose - or purposes as there may be more than one - is only found from within. And when we are living our purpose, we feel at ease and in alignment with our souls. Not that it will always be easy. We may get tired; but when it is your true purpose, you will not feel depleted! We all have callings - intuitive feelings that nudge and prompt us.  When we feel them, we owe it to ourselves to respond to them. Because while they may or may not be related to our livelihood, they are the keys to our inner peace. 

Creating What You Want

Placing all of our attention on the unwanted aspects of our lives allows what we resist to persist. Focus instead on what you are choosing to want to create. Think most about what you truly desire in life, not about what you lack. Your power to create is a focused thought away. When you fully focus on something, it creates a forward momentum of energy. Remember, where attention goes, energy flows :)!

And so this is Christmas….

We are in the throes of what I like to call the “Christmas Crazies”! Everyone is running around and doing last minute shopping. Many are baking and cooking up a storm as they prepare for their Christmas Eve and Christmas Day dinners. People are rushed, stressed, and tempers flare easily. We expend so much energy for this holiday that most of us end up exhausted by the end of Christmas Day. So give yourself a gift and intermittently stop and just BREATHE!!

It’s amazing how much stress we can expel through our breath. Try taking a few SLOW DEEP BREATHS and notice how much better you feel. This is especially effective when you’re stuck in slow moving traffic or waiting in a long checkout line. It will also work wonders when dealing with a toxic house guest or two LOL! Wishing all of you a Very Merry Christmas!!

Much Love and Light, Patty

Thanksgiving and Gratefulness

As we approach Thanksgiving and the start of the holiday season, many of us are looking forward to spending time with our family and friends. 

But there are some among us that may be missing and grieving the loss of a loved one as well. This time of year can shine a spotlight on that empty seat at the table. I would just like to take a minute to shift your focus to feeling grateful for having loved someone so much that your heart can never let them go!

It is truly a gift to have experienced that deep unconditional love and while they may no longer be here with us, our loved ones are so thankful when we remember and speak of them! So say their names and share a story about them with those that knew them. And be assured that they are right beside you listening and enjoying the honor of your memories ❤️🙏🏻!

Much Love and Light and HAPPY THANKSGIVING, Patty 

11/11 and Angels

Since today is 11/11, I thought it would be appropriate to honor the symbolic meaning of those numbers.  If you find yourself drawn to the clock at 11:11 frequently, it means your Angels - deceased loved ones - are with you and want you to know it.  You may also see some form of 11’s on license plates, ads, etc.  Just that fact that you are drawn to notice the numbers, is a sign in itself! And how appropriate that someone chose November 11th to honor our Veterans.  For they certainly were and are Angels in human form ❤️🙏🏻

Observe Your Thoughts

In order to facilitate change in your life, you have to start with changing your thoughts. For your mind is the builder of your reality. Are you predominantly thinking about the past and missing what was? Or do you live in the future? Anxiety often appears when we are worried about the future and feel disconnected from the present moment. So when you’re thinking ahead and worrying about what may happen, you are missing right now! For in this very moment, all is well. Staying focused in the present is a huge task for us humans as we think an average of 60,000 thoughts per day with 80% of those thoughts being repetitive! Imagine the possibilities if our repetitive thoughts were happy and creative. Just something to “think” about…

Autumn Has Arrived!

The fall months bring a more serious life energy with them. We all get back into a more structured routine as we return from our summer vacations. It’s a great time to expand our learning abilities as school is not just for children. Also, the weather is beautiful this time of year and much healing can be gained from “being” in nature. The fall foliage is gorgeous and excites the eyes and the soul! Maybe take a nice long drive to enjoy the changing colors of the leaves. Or simply walk along a quiet path and listen to the sounds of nature. Any outside activity in the sunlight is conducive to healing! And we all need a big dose of that in these challenging times :)!

How long does it take, after one passes, before they visit in a reading?

This is a question I receive quite often! This is my belief:

Upon arrival to the Other Side, most of us choose to enter what Spirit calls “The Healing Sanctuary”.  It is there that we receive the utmost of care from our loving Angels as they shower us with what I can only describe as “Light Energy”.  These repeated energy cleansings rid us of our accumulated earth plane conditions. It's an individualized process as to how many “showers” will be needed before one heals.  Some souls are ready to talk five minutes after they leave the body and others are in recovery for a while longer.  Some take years before they grace us with a visit!  It depends on the level of distress, illness and addiction the soul encountered during their human incarnation.  And how willing they are to let go of those human conditions and beliefs.  We are also greeted by our deceased loved ones who sit bedside during our recovery, so we are never alone.  Thus, someone will always be there during a reading to give messages because I don't work alone or I'd be unemployed LOL!  Just can't guarantee it will be the person you're waiting on. 


Reacting to Stress

Stress is the underlying cause and/or major contributing factor to every health issue we experience! And there is no eliminating it from life. If anything, I feel we are experiencing more of it as time goes on. There is only learning to "respond" instead of "react".  Easier said than done since most of us are reactive and then after the damage is done, responsive! Prayer and meditation definitely help to quell the upset. Then waiting until your anger cools down before you address your issue, is the key to being responsive! Remember, he who angers you, controls you:)!